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The Raw Ultra Combo

The Raw Ultra Combo

Availability: Out Of Stock
Regular price ₹. 3,175.00
Regular price MRP: ₹. 6,197.00 Sale price
Offer Price: ₹. 3,175.00 (49% OFF)
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The Raw Combo
Raw Whey Protein is a Pure Whey Protein concentrate unflavoured formulation. The flavorless composition allows you to mix it with the chaser of your preference, hence acting as a protein drink developed for you. It is made with 100% Pure Whey Protein and gives a 24G Protein yield per serving. The 0 sugar formulation and a rich amino acid profile helps you build a leaner muscle mass.


Nutrabox has developed the purest form of 100% creatine monohydrate Ultra which is also Vegan. Each serving of Nutrabox Creatine Monohydrate Ultra provides 3g of creatine for building strength and increasing endurance.The muscular boost provided by Nutrabox Creatine Monohydrate Ultra helps achieve bursts of speed and energy.

The Stack

  • Supplements: 1 Kg 100% Raw Whey protein
    300g: Nutrabox Creatine Ultra 
  • Free Nutra Merchandise: Premium Shaker


  • Actual price: Rs. 6,197/-
  • Discounted price: Rs. 2,799/-
  • You save: Rs. 3,398/-

Customer Reviews

Based on 114 reviews
Aman uzzwal Chaudhary
Customer Review

It's a very good protein for beginners. It is a raw whey protein so it doesn't contain any flavor but it doesn't taste bad. Vey helpful in recovery of muscles. Use it post workout and u will see results in few days. Whey protein with american standards. Happy with the product

John aravind
Customer Review

Its price worthy

Bikash kumar
Customer Review

My search for a good quality Protein powder which fits in my budget has come to an end with this product. I have been using it for 2 months now and I still want to buy it..excellent product..

dileep tiwari
Customer Review

Authentic and good. Taste is not that much good because its RAW whey protien. you can mix it with horlex or bournvita to develop the taste. overall good product at this price.

Kartik lohani
Customer Review

Really very good product. The boost in a workout that boost you can feel it within 2-3 days of consumption. Really a very good product worth it's money. Happy to purchase